MatEl participated in EuroNanoForum2023 in Lund, Sweden
On 12 and 13 June 2023, Marco Messina, from AMIRES, had the opportunity to take part in the Euro Nano Forum 2023, presenting the MatEl project to a broad audience, which included representatives from universities, companies, industry, and the European Commission.
It has been very interesting to have the chance to confront and engage with fellow attendees from all parts of Europe and beyond and to showcase overall goal, objectives and the expected impacts of the MatEl project.
Besides having the opportunity to present the project, the Euro Nano Forum 2023 enabled participants to take part in various debates, panels, and further discussions on project-related topics. From Graphene and 2D materials, through manufacturing and development of new materials for future chips, up to industrial applications, the sessions fostered an engaging debate that may be useful for the future development of the project and its framework.
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